Awareness of women about cervical cancer prevention
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Faculty of Health Sciences, Academy of Applied Medical and Social Sciences in Elbląg, Poland
Submission date: 2023-11-02
Acceptance date: 2023-12-06
Online publication date: 2023-12-31
Corresponding author
Anna Ewa Tałaj   

Faculty of Health Sciences, Academy of Applied Medical and Social Sciences in Elbląg, Lotnicza 2, 82-300 Elbląg, Poland.
Acta Elbingensia 2023;50(1):45-50
Despite the fact that over the years there has been progress in the field of cervical cancer prevention, a very large number of diagnoses of this disease are still observed, both in Poland and around the world.

The aim of the study is to check the level of knowledge of women living in the city of Elbląg and nearby towns about the prevention of cervical cancer.

Material and methods:
The work used a diagnostic survey method, a survey technique and a research tool, which is a survey questionnaire addressed to residents of Elbląg and its nearby towns. The research took place in 2022 between January and March.

Results and discussion:
The study confirms that women’s awareness of cervical cancer prevention is not high enough. One of the important reasons for this conclusion is the insufficient stress of knowledge and awareness about cervical cancer in society and the need to regularly visit a gynecologist and perform cytological tests.

Too low level of health education in the field of health and sexology is the reason for insufficient knowledge of women about RSM. Doctors, nurses and midwives are the most important promoters of knowledge about cervical cancer. The still insufficient level of knowledge and awareness of women in the field of cervical cancer prevention results in the still high problem of diagnosing these diseases among women both in Poland and around the world. Compared to other countries in the European Union, Poland is one of the most frequently diagnosed new cases of cervical cancer.
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